This car I built when I finally got access to the materials that I needed to totally complete it. It's made from a sprint plus chassis, and the rubrails and bumpers were made from brass tubing. Always wanted a replica of my car so here it is. A guy I met by the name of Fred paints like the brush was in his hand when he was born. He is one of the great, talented people that I have had the pleasure of meeting. He does great work dont you think?
This car Has a onboard sound card that makes it sound like a V-8, 4 speed. Chassis is Parma. It has a group 12 strap motor, polished commutator and a roller bearing can. Painted this one myself. I do have alittle talent, he he.
This one I think is my favorite. It took a long time to create this one. It's frame is made completely from hollow brass tubing. Then i nickel plated the entire chassis. I bent the frame exactly like the model kit that I started with. This model kit is Made by Revell. The body is detachable from the chassis. Driveshaft driven via of a parma deathstar can, magnets and a group 12 armature. Almost the entire body is decaled.
These are a few of my Franklin Mint Beetles. And just some VW toys from my toybox. I actully had a beetle like the yellow and black one. I was bored one day and painted a replica micro machine.